Business Services


DBA and Corporate Accounts

If you are in need of a Business Account, we offer two different options:

  • DBA Account: If you have established a "Doing Business As" also known as a DBA name for your business, you can open a separate account or have it added to your existing account. There is no fee for adding it to your existing account and $10 to open a separate DBA account. Please be sure to bring proof of your DBA and separate tax ID #, (if applicable) for our records.
  • Corporate Account: If you have incorporated your business, please bring a copy of the federal tax identification number (TIN) or state employer identification number (EIN) and a copy of your corporate papers. We will also ask for a signed corporate resolution which we have here at the CU, naming the officers of the corporation and the authorized signatures. The membership fee for opening a Corporate Account is $25.


Low-Cost Business Checking/Share Draft

We offer all the same services to our DBA and Corporate accounts as we do to our individual member accounts. There is no monthly service charge and no fees for deposit items or coin and currency requests. We will help you with all your "banking" needs and be available to help you with the financial needs of your business.


Coin and Currency

You can arrange with us to help you with your coin and currency needs for your business, whether for depositing money to your account or getting coin and currency for your business. There is no charge for this service but if you will be needing more than $1,000 in cash withdrawn, we ask that you call us 24 hours in advance until we set up a regular schedule if you will need this every week.


24/7 Deposit Drop

We have a secure deposit drop located on the outside of the building. The deposit drop capacity allows for secure paper currency and checks. It does not have capacity for large coin and currency deposits. It is available for all members to use. Deposits made are recorded AFTER we open at 10 AM each morning and checked just before closing each evening.

Our Members make the difference.

Member Since 1982

"I joined the credit union when they first opened on Monroe Avenue. I wanted to build an account with a financial institution. I saw that they were new and I was starting new - so I thought it would be a good start! They were nice and courteous people. After they moved to South Avenue I wanted to buy a new car and they helped me with that and I have taken out personal loans with them too. They're more personal, a bank doesn't know you from the next 500 people. I always recommend them to people. The credit union looks at the things happening in your life and works with you. They know that people don't fail because they are not working on their life. Sometimes things just happen. I would like to get my next mortgage through them. I love them, they just fit my needs."

Francine Keeton

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