Home Equity Line-of-Credit (HELOC)

Our HELOC is a terrific way for members to use the equity in their home to make home improvements or have access to cash for other needs. We offer a very competitive HELOC rate and we pay the closing costs!


  • The minimum HELOC is $10,000 and the maximum is $75,000.


  • This is an adjustable rate line-of-credit with an initial minimum disbursement of $5,000 and $500 minimum disbursements thereafter.


  • Properties must be owner-occupied, and the HELOC credit line and any first mortgage must be the only liens on your home, and together total 90% or less of the property's appraised value.


  • In most cases, interest paid on a HELOC is tax-deductible (subject to IRS guidelines)


 For more information please contact Benat pooc.eeseneg@neb">pooc.eeseneg@nad call 585-461-2230 ext 115


Our Members make the difference.

Member Since 2006

"My parents have been members of the credit union for more than 30 years and I became a member by default - a kind of family tradition. My parents opened an account for me and I learned how to fill out the slips to take out and put in money. Two of my siblings also have accounts there. I'm working now and feel a sense of pride when I think about being part of the credit union. They're not just people there, they're friends. They all know my name and it's a really friendly place."

Charles Worl

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