One2One Member Business Guide

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Results for Photography

Gelfand-Piper Photography 43 Kimbark Rd 585 3870562
Corporate Communications 108 South Union St. 5852623430
Kracke Photography 176 Anderson ave. (585)461-3890
Photos by CQ PO Box 58 585.248.9284
CollectivMedia 24 E. Bank Street 585 766 9749
Shutts Productions 881 Meigs st 607-591-9737
Hook/S1 Productions 1060 Clinton Ave. S. 585-766-8967

Our Members make the difference.

Member Since 2004

"What has the CU done for and meant to me? How about warmth and security? When I joined I felt, and still feel, that the diversity of the neighborhood is well represented both by the CU's members and its employees. As welcoming as the staff is, I had no problem following when the building on Gregory St became its new home. The loyalty I felt to Genesee Co-op FCU at that time has been validated by an incident in May 2009. One of my checks was presented to the teller, unsigned, for a large amount. When that individual came back with same check supposedly signed by me, the CU refused to cash it, because the staff recognized the signature as forged. I got to see how the sense of kinship the CU propagates, plays out in order to safeguard its members. Thank you, team."

Merrie Camp

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